Thursday, 3 September 2015

So, we're 6 days walking today.

Le Puy en Velay, where we started, was much like St Jean Pied de Port from whence we launched last time: a medieval town with beautiful buildings, focussed on pèlerins (pilgrims) and, in this case, hikers setting out toward Santiago.

So; Saturday morning, up with the sun to climb to the 12th century cathedral for the 7:00am Pilgrim Mass .....

and then out the western door and down the stairs towards Santiago once more.
The first signs and symbols appeared in the market square where all the locals were doing their shopping,


But off uphill we went, packs on our backs (ouff!) walking sticks in hand and the sun warming the road through the green countryside.

That's it for this post; I'll try to catch up anon,


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are online now. Looks like a great morning and a beautiful location to start your adventures.
